
GI Spotlight Test (Physician Support Required)

Details (Additional Specialized Supplements are Available to Support Physician Directed, Wellness Test Outcomes)

The GI Spotlight functional wellness test analysis provides an in-depth look into the health of the gut microbiome. The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract contains an ecosystem with more than four trillion microbes, living in a symbiotic relationship with their host, while performing duties essential to the health of the individual, such as assisting with digestion, hormonal balance, immune modulation, and neurotransmitter function.

  • Utilizes cutting-edge quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology.
  • Keystone microbial diversity and gut fungal balance.
  • Intestinal permeability and gut barrier function.
  • Digestive function, nutrient absorption, and GI motility.
  • Inflammatory status and immune function in the gut.